
Invited talk, UCL Workshop AI for sustainability: Physics-Constrained Deep Learning for Downscaling, Jan 2023.

Poster presentation, AGU Fall Meeting: Physics-Constrained Deep learning for Climate, Dec 2022.

Contributed talk, WiML workshop NeurIPS: Physics-Constrained Climate Downscaling, Dec 2022.

Poster presentation, CCAI workshop NeurIPS: Generating Physically Consistent Climate Data, Dec 2022.

Contributed talk, AAAI 2022 Fall Symposium: The Role of AI in Responding to Climate Challenges, Nov 2022.

Scientific Computing Seminar: Physics-Constrained Learning of Aerosol Microphysics, May 2022.

Poster presentation at Climate Informatics: Physics-Informed Learning of Aerosol Microphysics, May 2022.

Invited Talk, ECMWF Machine Learning Workshop: Physics-Informed Learning of Aerosols, March 2022.

IAMA Conference: Emulating Aerosol Microphysics with Machine Learning, December 2021.

FDL USA 2021 Upscaling Lunar Resources - Digital Showcase, August 2021. Recording

Seti live: A mission to the South Pole of the Moon, July 2021. Recording

Poster presentation at ICML 2021: Emulating Aerosol Microphysics with Machine Learning, July 2021. Recording

Scientific Computing Seminar: Emulating Aerosol Microphysics with Machine Learning, May 2020

Deep Learning Seminar talk: Climate, AI and what to get done within a hackathon, April 2020. Recording

Poster presentation at NeurIPS 2020: NightVision: Generating Nighttime Satellite Imagery from Infrared Observations, December 2020. Recording

Deep Learning Seminar talk: Introduction to Adversarial Attacks, December 2020. Recording